5 Ideas for a Nature New Year’s Resolution

friends laughing in snow

There's nothing quite like ringing in the new year and committing to new years resolutions surrounded by the natural beauty and rustic charm of Broken Bow, Oklahoma. Nestled in the heart of the Ouachita Mountains, this small town is home to breathtaking forests, pristine lakes, and plenty of outdoor adventures.


As the snow begins to fall and the lights twinkle in the trees, the cozy cabins and lodges of Broken Bow provide the perfect retreat for a festive and memorable holiday getaway. Whether you spend your days exploring the great outdoors, sipping hot cocoa by the fireplace, or snuggling up with a good book, you will find plenty of ways to unwind and relax in this idyllic setting.


Picture sitting in the crisp winter air with a glass of champagne in hand as you watch the sunset over the horizon. As the day turns to night and the stars come out, you sit amid nature and reflect on all that the upcoming year has in store. Or, you know, a few New Year's resolutions!


For us, 2023 is all about living life to the fullest and taking time to appreciate nature. After all, the outdoors are our best friends - they provide us with fresh air, clean water, and a much-needed mental break from everyday life.


If you're looking for a unique way to start the year, we suggest setting a nature-minded New Year's resolution in Broken Bow. Here are just a few nature new years resolutions to consider.


But First, While In Broken Bow


Take advantage of the trails and paths that wind through nearby forests, lakes, and waterfalls. Spend time exploring nature with each step - taking in all its calming beauty - as you make your way around the diverse landscape. You will be rewarded with unique views and plenty of photos that you can share with friends and family.


This beautiful town is also home to a variety of luxury cabins and vacation rentals that make for the perfect retreat. Cozy up before a roaring fire with your favorite beverage as you watch the snow fall outside your window or explore the trails on snowshoes or skis.


No matter which activities you choose, it's sure to be an unforgettable experience.

5 Nature New Years Resolution Ideas in Broken Bow

#1 Go on a hike once a week. 


The beautiful Ouachita Mountains surrounding Broken Bow are home to many trails offering breathtaking views and the chance to spot local wildlife. Whether you're looking for a leisurely stroll or a challenging hike, make it a goal to explore a new trail at least once a week.


If you don't live close by, consider planning a weekend getaway to Broken Bow to experience its trails. Or, find the nearest trail near you and take a stroll to enjoy the great outdoors.

#2 Connect with the stars. 


Make it a goal to spend more time under the night sky in 2023. Whether you're in Broken Bow or somewhere else, take the opportunity to step outside on a clear evening and appreciate the beauty of the stars. As you gaze upwards, try to spot constellations and learn about different celestial bodies.


Alternatively, soak in the peacefulness of nature and let the silence and serenity of the night sky wash over you. This can be a calming and rejuvenating experience that helps you disconnect from the stresses of everyday life.


To make the most of your stargazing experience, consider investing in a pair of binoculars or a telescope, or downloading a stargazing app to help you identify different celestial objects.

#3 Learn about local flora and fauna.


Spend some time exploring and learning about the local flora and fauna while in Broken Bow. There are many ways to do this, such as going on a guided tour with a naturalist or simply spending time in nature observing the local wildlife. You might be surprised by the variety of plants and animals that call this region home.


Consider bringing along a field guide or downloading a nature identification app to help you identify different species. You can also visit a local nature center or museum to learn more about the local ecosystem.


By taking the time to learn about the natural world around you, you'll be able to appreciate and respect it more when you're out exploring.


#4 Appreciate nature more.


It can be easy to take nature for granted, but it's important to remember how much it has to offer us. Make a commitment to take the time to appreciate its beauty and all the benefits it provides. There are many ways to do this, such as going for a walk in the park, taking a hike in the mountains, or simply spending time outside in your own backyard.


As you spend time in nature, try to be present and fully engage with your surroundings. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world, and allow yourself to fully relax and unwind. By making a conscious effort to appreciate and connect with nature, you'll be able to reap its many benefits and feel more grounded and centered.

#5 Take a sustainable approach.


Small actions can have a big impact when it comes to helping preserve our planet's natural resources. Make an effort to reduce your consumption of plastic and other single-use items, support local businesses that take sustainability seriously, and volunteer in parks or on trails when you can.


There are many organizations and groups in Broken Bow that work to protect and preserve the local environment. Consider volunteering your time or making a donation to support their efforts. Whether it's participating in a beach clean-up or helping to restore a nature preserve, there are many ways you can make a positive impact on the environment.


This is a small new years resolution, yet it's probably the most important one. Our planet needs us to do our part in preserving its beauty and taking a sustainable approach.


By committing to these nature-minded resolutions, you'll be able to explore the great outdoors while staying connected with the natural world around you. From connecting with stars to appreciating nature more, there is something for everyone when it comes to creating an enchanting and meaningful New Year's resolution.


Broken Bow Vacation Rentals for New Years Eve and the New Year

As the clock counts down to midnight on New Year's Eve, snuggle up with your loved one in front of the fireplace and toast to the start of a new year. Or, step outside and take in the beauty of the night sky as you watch the fireworks from the comfort of your private hot tub.


For a truly romantic experience, consider booking one of our secluded cabin rentals, tucked away in the woods for maximum privacy and intimacy. You'll be able to enjoy all the comforts of home, including fully equipped kitchens, cozy bedrooms, and inviting living spaces. Plus, with a wide range of amenities and activities to choose from, you'll have plenty of opportunities to create special memories together.


Whether you're looking to escape the crowds and enjoy a quiet, intimate celebration, or you want to experience all that Broken Bow has to offer, our cabin rentals are the perfect choice. Start planning your romantic New Year's Eve getaway today and make it a holiday you'll never forget.


Click here to browse our selection of luxury cabin rentals and start planning your New Year's getaway in Broken Bow.


And don't forget to follow us on social!


Happy New Year!

one of our modern cabins in broken bow at sunset